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​Careers Lead - Mr J Hurd -   

















Link to Greater Essex Career Hub


Link to Essex District Labour Market Poster​


Careers education helps our pupils develop the knowledge and skills they need to make successful choices, manage transitions in learning, and progress into work. Through guidance, pupils can use their knowledge and skills to make decisions about learning and work that are right for them.


Careers education is an integral part of the curriculum in the Lifeskills and pastoral programmes. The three main areas of careers learning, as identified in the National Framework, form themes throughout careers work from Years 9 to 11.


All staff are involved in guidance to some extent, for example, providing support during the selection of KS4 options, through the UCAS process, and in linking careers to the academic curriculum. Careers guidance interviews are conducted on a one-to-one basis for selected pupils and those who request a careers appointment.


Our Careers Programme aims to ensure that all pupils leaving Mayflower High School have viable destinations and an understanding of how to research career opportunities and make competitive applications. This is achieved through the efforts of pastoral tutors, Heads of Year, Lifeskills teachers (who deliver careers education in Years 9–11), and the school-wide use of the Unifrog platform.


Guidance on career pathways begins in Year 7 with research into specific careers and identifying the skills, qualifications, and qualities required for work. Year 10 pupils receive guidance on the application process, including CV writing. In Year 11, career pathways and post-16 options are discussed to support decision-making. Interview techniques and CV writing are revisited in Year 11. Students in Years 10 and 12 undertake work experience in the summer term.


Key Stage 3 and 4 Provision



  • Dedicated careers sessions within the tutor programme in the spring and summer terms, using Unifrog resources.

  • Access to careers software in lessons and use of the Unifrog platform.

  • KS3 Options Evening.

  • KS4 Next Steps Evening, detailing post-16 opportunities.

  • Mayflower High School Sixth Form Open Evening, which highlights post-16 options at the school.

  • Careers interviews for targeted Year 11 pupils with an independent careers adviser.

  • Supported personal statement sessions in Lifeskills lessons.

  • Close and ongoing monitoring and support for vulnerable pupils.

  • Individualised plans for progression and transition for the most vulnerable and SEND pupils.

  • Individual mentoring for identified pupils.

  • Targeted academic intervention to support achievement for selected pupils.


Key Stage 5 Provision


  • Work experience for all Year 12 students during the summer term.

  • Higher Education Evening for Year 12 pupils and parents.

  • Regular signposting of careers events and opportunities.

  • School trips to local apprenticeship fairs.

  • DWP and Apprenticeship Hub assemblies.

  • Future Prospects Day, including sessions on career pathways, introduction to apprenticeships, and support with UCAS applications, with access to a computer suite.

  • Careers interviews for identified students with an independent careers adviser.

  • Close and ongoing monitoring and support for vulnerable pupils.

  • Individual mentoring for identified pupils.

  • Targeted academic intervention to support achievement for selected pupils.


Equal Opportunities


Mayflower High School is committed to promoting equal opportunities, challenging stereotypes, and raising aspirations. Careers education is provided to all pupils, and provision is made to ensure all pupils can access the curriculum. Pupils are encouraged to follow career paths that suit their interests, skills, and strengths, free from stereotypes. All pupils are provided with the same opportunities, and diversity is celebrated.


Gatsby Benchmarks


  1. A Stable Careers Programme: All students have access to a comprehensive, interactive, and impartial programme of careers and employability-related learning via the pastoral programme and Lifeskills lessons. The programme is regularly evaluated with input from various stakeholders.

  2. Learning from Career and Labour Market Information: Using resources such as Unifrog, students stay informed about the current labour market. All students have a Unifrog account and know how to use the platform.

  3. Addressing the Needs of Each Student: The careers strategy promotes positive well-being, enabling students to recognise their strengths and focus on their futures. Post-16 and post-18 options are regularly discussed and monitored after students leave the school.

  4. Linking Curriculum Learning to Careers: Students are encouraged to understand how subject-specific skills relate to employability skills, including communication, problem-solving, creativity, and leadership.

  5. Encounters with Employers and Employees: Assemblies and subject-specific events include talks from external employers and employees.

  6. Experience of Workplaces: Students in Years 10 and 12 participate in work experience programmes during the summer term.

  7. Encounters with Further and Higher Education: Students explore academic and vocational routes through school trips, university visits, and other events.

  8. Personal Guidance: Independent, impartial one-to-one careers guidance helps students make informed decisions and develop autonomy.




All students have access to the Unifrog platform.


The school works closely with Connexions, an impartial careers advice provider.


Contributions from past students, parents, local and national industries, and higher education institutions are invaluable in supporting careers education.

Monitoring, Evaluation, and Review


The careers programme is monitored regularly by the Head of Careers, Mr J Hurd.
Date of next review: April 2025.


Measuring and Assessing the Impact of Careers Education


Student voice surveys are conducted termly to assess the programme's impact. Unifrog metrics also track student engagement.


For more details, contact Mr J Hurd, Head of Careers:

Phone: 01277 623171








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