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Teacher in charge of Careers


Ms D Nicol -   01277 623171 ext 1140


Link to Greater Essex Career Hub

Link to Essex District Labour Market Poster


Careers includes education, information and guidance. Careers education helps our pupils develop the knowledge and skills they need to make successful choices, manage transitions in learning and move into work. Through guidance pupils are able to use their knowledge and skills to make the decisions about learning and work that are right for them.


Careers education forms an integral part of the curriculum in the Lifeskills  programme. The three main areas of careers learning, identified in the National Framework, form themes throughout careers work from Year 9 to 11.


All staff are involved in guidance to some extent, for example support during the selection of KS4 options and through the UCAS process.

Careers guidance interviews take place on a one to one basis for a number of identified pupils and those who request a careers appointment.


Our Careers programme aims to ensure that all pupils who leave Mayflower High School at the end  have an offer of a place to move on to. This is achieved both through the work of Heads of Year and the contribution of the Lifeskills teachers who teach careers in year 9 - 11. Guidance on their career pathways starts in year 9 where research and investigation takes place into specific careers, identification of skills, qualifications and qualities required for work . Year 10 are given guidance in the application process of careers including the writing of CV’S. Finally in year 11 career pathways and options are discussed , to help with their choices post 16. Interview techniques and CV writing are revisited in year 11 also.


Key Stage 3 provision includes:


• Allocated time through Lifeskills lessons for self-development focusing on lifestyle and progression.

• Access to careers software ( fast Tomato ) in lessons .

• KS3 Options evening

Key Stage 4 provision includes:

• KS4 Mayflower High 6th form evening.

• Careers interview for a number of targeted Year 11 pupils.

• Supported personal statement sessions within Lifeskills lessons.

• Close and continued monitoring and support for vulnerable pupils

• Individualised plans for progression and transition between key stages for the most vulnerable and SEND pupils.

• Individual mentoring for identified pupils.

• Targeted academic intervention to support achievement for those identified.


Key Stage 5 provision includes:


• Annual Careers Information evening

  • Future Prospects Day – Career pathways, Introduction to Apprenticeships and Support with completing UCAS applications and access to their own computer suite

• UCAS and university applications evening for parents and pupils.


• Careers interviews for those identified or who make a request.

• Close and continued monitoring and support for vulnerable pupils.

• Individual mentoring for identified pupils.

• Targeted academic intervention to support achievement for those identified.


The Lifeskills subject leader co-ordinates the delivery of careers within the Lifeskills. The Head of Year manages the delivery of careers appointments for the careers adviser ( from Connexions).


Equal Opportunities


Mayflower is keen to promote equal opportunities and to try to use every opportunity to challenge stereotypes and raise aspirations. Careers education is provided to all pupils and provision is made for pupils to access the curriculum. Pupils are encouraged to follow career paths that suit their interests, skills and strengths with the absence of stereotypes. All pupils are provided with same opportunities and diversity is celebrated.


The 'Baker Clause'


Providers of technical education and apprenticeships have opportunities to present to our students during both KS5 future prospects day, as well as selected careers events with lower school students.




Our career adviser visits the School twice a month providing independent and impartial careers advice. Careers interviews are booked through the Heads of year and Head of Lifeskills who continually liaises with Form Tutors.


Past students and parents are a valuable resource and are welcomed to come in to help with careers work. We are also grateful for the support we have had from local and national industries and higher education institutions.


Monitoring, evaluation and review


The careers programme is monitored regularly by the Head of Lifeskills

Date of next review : September 2023


Measuring and assessing the impact of our careers education


At the end of each academic year a student voice survey is completed by all members of Year 11. The findings from this are used to inform the review of careers education. Likewise after each of our careers and higher education fairs we undertake a student voice survey to evaluate success and inform future planning.


More details on the findings of this impact assessment can be found by contacting the named careers contact details found at the top of this page.



To introduce a Careers Week

Where all year 11 students receive a careers interview by members of staff / Local businesses/ Connexions careers advisor.

Pupils will then be able to go around a Careers fair to use information received in interview.


I am a student/parent/employer, how do I find out more detail about the careers programme you run?


Please contact the named teacher using the email details at the top of this page.

We also publish details of our upcoming careers and higher education fairs and opportunities in our school newsletter which is available to download from the front page of the website.

















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