Mayflower High School provides many opportunities for young people to develop leadership and representation skills and we entrust pupils with responsibilities commensurate with their strengths and abilities. Formal pupil leadership provides important benefits for both the pupil and the school.

Executive Committee
Year Groups involved: 7-11
Aim of group: To promote a collegiate approach and cross group collaboration between leadership groups.
How members are recruited: Representation from all leadership groups
Example of what we do: Work together collaboratively on projects, report termly to the Head teacher, involved in final decisions brought from the student body.
Rights Action Group
Year Groups involved: 7-11
Aim of group: Promote awareness and understanding of rights based issues, encourage participation on community and national charity and awareness events.
How members are recruited: Students are invited in assembly each year to participate if they have an interest in rights issues.
Example of what we do: Prepare and perform assemblies for awareness months e.g. Black History Month, take part in international initiatives such as Write for Rights with Amnesty International and the Peace Crane exchange and collect and organise charity drives e.g. Link to Hope Shoebox project and foodbank donation drive.
Digital Leaders
Year Groups involved: 7-13
Aim of group: To educate and empower our community to make the right decisions online
How members are recruited: Application form filled in then interviewed by the current Digital leaders.
Example of what we do: Run drop in sessions, hold assemblies, Check social media platforms for harassment, have 1:1's with key students, and run online and in person workshops with the local primary schools.
Dyslexia Council Meeting
Year Groups involved: 7-13
Aim of group: To feel part of a team, to support and guide students, to share worries in a safe group, to develop social skills, to meet with other Dyslexic students so there is a support around them from peers.
How members are recruited: NA
Example of what we do: Discuss what is going well and what isn't, discuss the topic of the month.
Peer Mentoring-10 and 7 Dyslexia Unit
Year Groups involved: 10 and 7
Aim of group: Year 10 to share their experience managing their Dyslexia at Mayflower, to empower Year 10, offer Year 7 some support strategies
How members are recruited: NA
Example of what we do: Discuss key topics and also a general chat about their interests.
Peer Mentoring-12 and 10 Dyslexia Unit
Year Groups involved: 10 and 12
Aim of group: Year 12 to share their experience managing their Dyslexia at Mayflower with specific focus on GCSEs, to empower Year 12, offer Year 10 some support strategies.
How members are recruited: NA
Example of what we do: Discuss topics such as managing GCSE homework load, revision and post 16 direction and also a general chat about their interests.
Student Ambassadors
Year groups involved: 7-13
Aim of group: To support and embed core values across the school
How members are recruited: Through application and interest
Example of what we do: Run, lead and develop internal events that support school values across school including events in the library.
Year groups involved: 10-11
Aim of group: To represent and support the discipline, running and function of the school in an official capacity.
How members are recruited: Applications open to all
Example of what we do: Duties, drive changes linked to supporting students and developing core values across the school.
Senior Prefects
Year groups involved: 10-11
Aim of group: To lead teams of prefects and to develop key strategies around the school.
How members are recruited: Applications open to all.
Example of what we do: Lead and support teams to provide a highly efficient and effective prefect team. Driving and developing core values across the school as well as supporting events such as Open Evenings.
GCSE Pod Ambassadors
Year groups involved: 9, 10 and 11
Aim of group: To encourage use of GCSE Pod, run drop in sessions, monitor and develop usage across school
How members are recruited: Application and interest
Example of what we do: Run lunch time drop in sessions, recruit new members, train staff and students on new features of GCSE Pod, monitor usage and Pod Games league table.
Equality and Diversity Group
Year Groups involved: Currently 10, 12, and 13 but all welcome
Aim of group: Promote Equality and Diversity across the school
How members are recruited: Mention of the group in assemblies and through tutor program.
Example of what we do:
Provide a safe place to discuss EDI-related issues.
Discuss provision for diversity-related calendar events eg LGBTQ+ History month.
Peer mentoring younger students.
Running a safe space lunchtime drop-in session to support mental health and concerns regarding EDI.
Deliver assemblies to raise awareness and develop understanding
Peer Support Team
Year Groups involved: 10
Aim of group: To support KS3 students either on a 1:1 mentor basis or during targeted form group sessions during tutor time
How members are recruited: Applications and interest.
Examples of what we do:
1:1 mentors - provide support and advice to students experiencing issues in school such as friendship fallouts, low self-esteem and confidence, academic worries,
Group work -Deliver planned activities to a whole form group around developing emotional awareness and listening skills.
Deliver assemblies.
Eco Club
Year Groups involved: 7-13
Aim of group: Promote awareness and understanding environmental issues
How members are recruited: All welcome
Example of what we do: Litter pick, run assemblies, work on projects that develop and improve the school environment such as developing the memorial garden. There are also enrichment opportunities including trips to various locations around the country.
Student Council Representatives
Year Groups involved: 2 representatives from each tutor group across Years 7-11
Aim of group: Facilitate communication between tutor group and year manager. To drive change and promote core values around the school.
How members are recruited: Via tutor groups
Example of what we do: Attend half termly meetings with their Year Managers where they can discuss aspects of school life and how to develop and improve it.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Team
Year Groups involved: Year 13 with key members each taking responsibility for a different year group
Aim of group: Our main aim is to raise collective awareness
How members are recruited: Application and interview
Example of what we do: Through designing posters and organising events in aid of related charities. We speak to form groups/assemblies, and we contribute to the school's newsletter.