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Head of Subject: Mrs J Warden

In an international or multicultural business environment, knowledge of foreign languages is a major advantage, as is an understanding of cross-cultural communication. Mayflower's French department aims to help students develop these valuable skills before they enter the global professional world.

​We believe in using a communicative approach to teaching and learning by using the target language as much as possible. Grammar is taught progressively in order to lay a sound foundation for further language study. We aim to help every student achieve their full potential.

Subject Vision

Our vision is to provide students with the language skills and knowledge that they need to understand and produce the French language confidently and authentically, not only in the classroom but beyond school and in society. Through learning a language, we aim to develop students’ confidence, resilience and risk-taking skills as they encounter many new real-life situations such as: asking for and giving directions, ordering food or drink, booking accommodation and much more.

We aim to deliver the curriculum in a creative, dynamic and inspiring way that encourages students to develop valuable life skills, including independence, problem solving, and communication skills. Students will develop their listening, reading, writing and speaking skills through a range of activities and authentic situations. They will learn to comprehend basic information through reading and listening to a range of texts and will practise producing words, short sentences and paragraphs through speaking and writing.

The study of Modern Languages develops the linguistic skills that enable students to gain a better understanding of their own and other languages.

Key Stage 3 Intent and Implementation

French is taught to students in Years 7 to 9 as we believe that students of all abilities can benefit from the study of a modern language. In Key Stage 3 students have a two week timetable and have three hours of French across the two weeks. The course book used is Studio, published by Heinemann. There is a workbook that is part of students’ essential equipment. This workbook mirrors the text book and provides independent reading and writing activities that are set as regular homework tasks.

The workbook also provides printed vocabulary lists per unit in every module. This facilitates students’ acquisition of key vocabulary and promotes independence.  

Key Stage 4 Intent and Implementation

In Years 10 and 11, students who opt to continue their studies of French at Key Stage 4 are prepared for the GCSE examination. They  are entered into a tiered GCSE with the Edexcel examination board.

Qualification : GCSE

Board : EDEXL/GCSE Level : GCSE/9FC

Code : 1FR0F Title : French Option F

In Key Stage 4 students have a two week timetable and have five hours of French across the two weeks. The course book used is Studio, published by Heinemann. A Grammar and Translation workbook is part of students’ essential equipment. This workbook mirrors the text book and provides independent activities for students to acquire the grammar skills necessary at GCSE level. These activities are set as regular homework tasks.

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