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Head of Subject: Mrs S Keyworth

​The Geography Department has a number of specialist and experienced staff. Teaching takes place in three dedicated teaching rooms; all with interactive whiteboards and visualisers. Additional accommodation includes classrooms shared with other departments. The Geography Department is well resourced with numerous text books and digital resources.

Geography is taught in mixed ability groups across the full age range. In Years 7 to 9, students are taught in form groups, having three periods of Geography per fortnight.

Subject Vision

Field work is an integral part of the Department’s work. In Year 7, students take part in school based fieldwork enquiries. Year 8 students visit Wat Tyler Country Park to investigate the sustainability of the visitor centre, they complete an enquiry into the local country park and also practice their orienteering skills. Currently, Year 10 students take part in field work at Walton on the Naze and Chelmsford. Year 12 students have completed coastal fieldwork at the Naze, Essex, and urban fieldwork in Stratford and Chelmsford. Year 12 and 13 students usually complete residential fieldwork, recently this has been at Slapton Ley and South wold Suffolk

We believe that teamwork is essential to the success of the Department. Teachers contribute fully to the development of the Department and are actively involved in curriculum design, fieldwork and ICT as well as involvement in whole school issues.

​Geography surrounds us on the world map in the classroom, in events on the news and in changes taking place in the local area and further afield.
Geographers strive to better understand the connections between the worlds people, places and environments and the interactions taking place between them.

At Mayflower, students are encouraged to have enquiring minds and ask questions such as:

Where is this place?
Why is it like this?
How is it connected with other places?
How is this place changing?

Key Stage 3

Key Stage 3 students develop a range of geographical skills. These include:

ICT including Geographical Information Systems (GIS)


Data interpretation and analysis

Use of photographs and analysis

Geographical enquiry and communication

Understanding of different places

Exploring interconnections and change

Developing geographical vocabulary

Using primary and secondary sources of evidence

Developing opinions and showing awareness of bias. 

Year 7 topics:-

What is a Geographer?

How are we connected locally to globally?

How do we use our planet as a natural resource?

Mapping and how does ice change the world?

What happens where the sea meets the land?

What is weather and climate?

What are the challenges and opportunities facing Africa?

Year 8 topics:-

One planet, many people: how are populations changing?

Why are rivers important?

Is the geography of Russia a curse or benefit?

What is globalisation and development?

What is the future of the planet? (Sustainability - Wat Tyler)

Diverse and dynamic: how is Asia being transformed?

 Year 9 topics:-

Why are some places impossible to live in?

Are cities becoming too densely populated?

Will we ever know enough about earthquakes and volcanoes to live safely?

Sustaining ecosystems (GCSE)

Bridging the gap 

Key Stage 4


Geography is a highly topical subject, ever changing as world events unfold.  The GCSE Geography course will help students make sense of what is going on in the world around them.  The OCR B GCSE is contemporary, dynamic and exciting.  It will encourage students to become a global citizen by exploring peoples’ place in the world, their values and responsibilities to others and the environment.

GCSE Geography provides a clear progression from Key Stage 3 Geography.  It will help students to be more aware of everyday situations and issues faced by people in the UK and in the world around them.  They will make links between the topics and approach the subject in an enquiring way.

Geography has strong links with other subjects including Science, Mathematics, RS, Lifeskills, and ICT and is ideal for a balanced curriculum.

The Geography GCSE will enable students to use and develop a wide range of essential skills and techniques such as communication, problem solving, enquiring and decision making which are transferrable across subjects and of course into the world of work.  It will also develop more subject specific skills including fieldwork, cartographic (map), graphical, numerical and statistical skills.

The study of Geography can lead to a wide range of careers and is valued as an academic qualification by employers.

The course provides an excellent foundation for A level Geography.


The specification consists of three units (01, 02, 03)

Our Natural World (01)

• Global Hazards

• Changing Climate

• Distinctive Landscapes

• Sustaining Ecosystems

• Fieldwork

• Geographical Skills

People and Society  (02)

• Urban Futures

• Dynamic Development

• UK in the 21st Century

• Resource Reliance

• Fieldwork

• Geographical Skills

Geographical Exploration (03)

• Geographical Skills

• Decision Making Exercise


Fieldwork is an essential element of the GCSE Geography course.  It must take place on at least two occasions, in contrasting locations and in both physical and human geographical contexts.  It will be assessed within the Our Natural World (01) and People and Society (02) Units.  Year 10 students currently undertake a residential fieldwork  course in Surrey.

Assessment Methods:-

Our Natural World  (01)

35% of total GCSE

70 Marks

1 hour 15 minutes written paper

People and Society  (02)

35% of total GCSE

70 Marks

1 hour 15 minutes written paper

Geographical Exploration (03)

30% of total GCSE

60 Marks

1 hour 30 minutes written paper


SPECIFICATION: Geography B (Geography for Enquiring Minds) (9-1) - J384 (from 2016)

For further details, please click on  the link below:

Geography J834

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