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Head of Subject : D Nicol
At Mayflower High School Lifeskills is a carefully planned programme of learning through which students acquire the knowledge, understanding and skills they need to keep themselves healthy and safe and to prepare them for life in a diverse society now and in the future.

Subject Vision

Our Lifeskills curriculum aims to enable students to make well educated, positive decisions to prepare students for adult life by supporting them through their physical, emotional and moral development, and helping them to understand themselves, respect others and form sustain healthy relationships. The units support social, moral, spiritual and cultural development and provide our students with protective teaching on essential safeguarding issues, developing knowledge of when and how they can seek support and ask for help.

Key Stage 3 Intent and Implementation

Our curriculum aims to develop the qualities and attributes that young people need to manage life’s opportunities, tackle challenges and responsibilities as they grow up. It aims to enable them to thrive as individuals, family members and as active participants in society. By building self-esteem, resilience and empathy.  

Our learning Outcomes, planning and resources are in line with the guidance from the PSHE Association and the Dfe RSHE curriculum to ensure a broad and balanced curriculum.

Lifeskill lessons will have a specific place on the timetable and each unit will be delivered over half a term. Within KS3 student will receive three-hour lessons over our two week timetable. Students within KS4 will receive one-hour per fortnight.  Due to the content criteria and staff training, Lifeskills teachers remain teaching their unit and the pupils rotate on a carousel. In addition to these timetabled lessons, the Lifeskills curriculum will be supplemented and enhanced by visiting speakers (such as Road Safety, Barclaycard and police officers). 

Our Lifeskills overview road map clearly shows the topics students will cover throughout their time at Mayflower High School. Five further year group road maps breakdown of content of in more detail.

Key Stage 4 Intent and Implementation

Year 10

Life Skills / RSHE

On Rotation

Study Skills

Mind mapping, how to take notes, scanning and skimming, how to revise and dealing with work / exam pressure

Relationships and Sex

Positive relationships, how sex effects our health( physical,  emotional and mental) Recap contraception and stis managing sexual pressure, consent

Careers and Finance

CV writing, personal statement writing, rights and responsibilities in work. Finance, budgeting, banking and payday loans.

Staying Safe

keeping safe, abuse, harassment, sexual exploitation, grooming, forced marriages and FGM. Anti fraud.

First Aid ,Life support resuscitation, recovery position

Year 11

Life Skills / RSHE

All students have 3 lessons on careers

Then Rotate


Career pathways, post 16 choices, apprenticeships a-levels

Interview techniques, planning  and questions. Re write the CV make it adaptable guidance on personal statements.

Relationship and sex

Revisit contraception, stis body health checks and protection. Full effects of porn on young minds


Banking, debt, budgeting, loans, financial issues and setting up home.

Health and well being.

Dealing with exam pressure, how to have a healthy future, work life balance and post 16 support networks

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