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Head of Subject : Mrs D Nicol

Subject Vision

In Life skills we follow the RSHE Curriculum guidelines in compulsory lessons from years 7 through to year 11

Key Stage 3

Year 7

Life Skills/ RSHE


Welcome, making new friend, working with others, support network, goal setting and learning to learn

Health and Well being

All about me, getting to know others, feelings and needs, what is health dealing with emotions and developing a growth mindset

Families and Relationships

Types of relationships, healthy and unhealthy relationships, respecting others, dealing with conflict and bullying.

Our Body

Puberty, emotional changes, body image, sleep and health, vaccines and immunisations and basic consent. Forced marriages, FGM and sexual exploitation

Basic First Aid

Fire Talks

Road safety

Year 8

Life Skills / RSHE

Health and Well Being

Healthy Body, Healthy Mind, Mental ill health, negative self talk, body image, managing stress, coping strategies.

Staying Safe

Basic First aid, recovery position, CPR and defibrillator, asthma allegies and bleeding. Online safety, indecent images.

Families and Relationships

Respecting yourself and others, stereotyping, other pressures, gangs, sex, drugs and friendships. Bullying, cyberbullying, healthy and unhealthy relationships, what is Sex including the laws.


What is addiction, consequences emotional, mental and physical effects

Alcohol, drugs, prescriptions drugs, smoking, illegal highs, gambling

Moving forward, helplines and support.

Year 9

Life Skills / RSHE

On Rotation

Families and Relationships

Types of relationships, laws in marriage and civil partnerships, parenting, Sex, Contraception, STI, Sexting  and teenage pregnancies. Consent , Rape, sexual assault including the laws.

Health and WellBeing

Health promotors and corruptors, dealing with negative feelings, bereavement, making big decisions, building resilience and self esteem.

Careers and Politics

Work Skills, employers rights and laws, Research careers. Introduction to basic politics parliament set up.

Equality and Diversity

Identity, stereotyping, gender, sexuality religion and disability. The laws and rights regarding equality

Key Stage 4

Year 10

Life Skills / RSHE

On Rotation

Study Skills

Mind mapping, how to take notes, scanning and skimming, how to revise and dealing with work / exam pressure

Relationships and Sex

Positive relationships, how sex effects our health( physical,  emotional and mental) Recap contraception and stis managing sexual pressure, consent

Careers and Finance

CV writing, personal statement writing, rights and responsibilities in work. Finance, budgeting, banking and payday loans.

Staying Safe

keeping safe, abuse, harassment, sexual exploitation, grooming, forced marriages and FGM. Anti fraud.

First Aid ,Life support resuscitation, recovery position

Year 11

Life Skills / RSHE

All students have 3 lessons on careers

Then Rotate


Career pathways, post 16 choices, apprenticeships a-levels

Interview techniques, planning  and questions. Re write the CV make it adaptable guidance on personal statements.

Relationship and sex

Revisit contraception, stis body health checks and protection. Full effects of porn on young minds


Banking, debt, budgeting, loans, financial issues and setting up home.

Health and well being.

Dealing with exam pressure, how to have a healthy future, work life balance and post 16 support networks

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