Safeguarding statement Application form General information ITT Support staff vacancies Teaching staff vacancies
Safeguarding Statement
Mayflower High School is committed to the protection and safety of its students. A DBS certificate, medical clearance and references will be required for all posts.
Application form:
Please download the attached application form and return in .rtf format to applications@mayflowerhigh.essex.sch.uk
If you wish to visit the school before applying for one of our vacancies please email applications@mayflowerhigh.essex.sch.uk or telephone 01277623171.
General information for applicants
Click on the link to view the document
Initial Teacher Training
We are committed to Teacher Training and work with a large group of schools ensuring training opportunities are vast and varied, drawing on a wealth of experience.
All Schools Direct places at Mayflower High School for training in September 2024-25 are through NESTT Teacher Trainingt, Mid -Essex ITT, and Essex Schools ITT our Accrediting Providers.
Essex Schools ITT
Our school offers Initial Teacher Training through Essex Schools ITT - a partnership of over
25 schools in West Essex, Harlow, Chelmsford, Havering, areas of Hertfordshire and
Our teacher training programme offers the very best of school-based training along with
online learning through our provider Tes Institute.
Essex Schools ITT are committed to attracting, training and developing graduates, career
changers and those who are considering their options after a career break.
Please visit the website of Essex Schools ITT to find out more about the teacher training
journey, and how you can train at our school or another one in the local area.
You can also contact them on teach@essexschoolsitt.com
Essex School ITT telephone number 0208 4986718​​​​​​​​

Support Staff vacancies
There are no Support Staff vacancies at present.
​​​Teaching Staff vacancies
There are no Teaching Staff vacancies at present.