Remember the only legally accepted reasons for not being in school are illness, holiday approved by school or a day of religious observance
Keeping children away from school for no good reason is a criminal offence
Children with poor attendance often become the victims of bullying
School Attendance
As a school we do understand that there may be certain exceptional circumstances which lead to low attendance. However, every child's education is really important to us and we would like to work together with students, parents and carers to ensure that attendance is as high as possible.
What is considered poor attendance
Anything below 95% is cause for concern, 90% is unsatisfactory and if attendance dips below 90% we will have serious concerns. Below 90% is regarded as persistent absence by the Department for Education ("DfE"). In this school we are aiming for every student to achieve attendance levels of at least 95%.
At the end of each half term we identify all those students who attendance has fallen below 90% and issue a courtesy letter. We then monitor the students' attendance on a weekly basis and hope to see a pattern of unbroken weeks developing. All parents of students that decline under 95% will receive a letter to inform them of this.
- If you are aware that your child has fallen in to the cause for concern or unsatisfactory criteria for attendance, and you would like some support or advice on improving your child's attendance.
please call the school on 01277 623171.
Application for leave in term time
80% attendance is the same as having a day off every week
If you take a two week holiday in term time your child's attendance will automatically be reduced to less than 95%
Some parents have been given a prison sentence for continually failing to send their child/children to school
90% attendance is like having a day off every two weeks