Here you will be able to find information specifically pertaining to parents/carers of students at Mayflower High School.
This includes information about how we report attendance, behavior and attainment as well as how to access our virtual parents evening system
Your child's form tutor should be the first point of contact with the school.
Beyond that the key contacts for KS3 and 4 are outlined below.
KS3 Head of Year/Year Manager
Year 7 - Mrs Pierce (Year Manager) (Tues -Thurs) and Miss McDowell (Head of Year)
Year 8 - Mrs England (Year Manager) and Mr Sullivan (Head of Year)
Year 9 - Mrs Woolly (Year Manager) and Mrs Head (Head of Year)
KS4 Year Manager
Year 10 - Mr Hurd (Year Manager) and Mr Gardiner (Head of Year)
Year 11 - Mrs Evident (Year Manager) and Mr Church (Head of Year)