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At Mayflower High School, high-quality teaching and learning are our top priorities. We believe in success, happiness, and opportunities for all students. Moreover, we believe that these same students can be exceptional regardless of their starting points. We have a clear set of principles, underpinned by educational research, which support the development of knowledge, skills, and vocabulary alongside creative and imaginative thinking. We strive to empower students to become team players while allowing them to nurture and develop their own individuality.


In addition to imparting knowledge and developing skills, we aim to instill ethical values and social consciousness in our students so they can enter the wider world as responsible citizens of modern-day Britain. Our teachers strive to foster curiosity and a love of lifelong learning. As educators, they aim to ignite a passion for discovery within their students, encouraging them to go beyond the confines of the classroom.


Teaching and Learning Priorities


At Mayflower High School we have 6 fundamental principles


- Greet (effective routines in welcoming students to the learning environment)

- Retreive (knowledge and skills to embed learning to long term memory)

- Adapt (to meet the needs of all students)

- Question (to assess depth of knowledge and challenge students through thinking)

- Share (criteria for success and what success looks like through effective modelling)

- Practice (provide opportunities for students to refine their knowledge and skills)


Embedding a knowledge rich, skills-based curriculum

We have opted to embed the principles outlined by Rosenshine as the basis for ensuring that our students are regularly exposed to the reviewing of material, suitable depth of questioning, modelling and sequencing of new concepts whilst providing regular opportunities for independent practice.

Disciplinary Literacy

In addition, we have embedded the research of the Education Endowment Foundation (EEF), Quigley and Mortimore across all subject areas, by giving opportunities for students to be exposed to both subject specific (disciplinary literacy) and explicit examination-based vocabulary and texts.

Adaptive Teaching

Finally, we strive to adapt teaching to respond to the strengths and needs of all students whilst setting high expectations that will inspire, motivate and challenge.  Our mantra is very much that we ‘teach to the top’ and then ‘scaffold up’ so that all our students achieve aspirational targets.



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