More Able and Talented Provision
Who are the More Able?
These are the students who demonstrate a significantly higher level of ability than most students of the same age, in one or more academic subjects. This is approximately 10-15% of a year group.
Who are the Talented?
Talented students are those students who demonstrate the ability to excel in more practical or creative skills such as Sport, Art, Music or Design.
Subjects provide extension resources and provision within their subjects which are made available in lessons, homework and outlined on Google Classroom.
Key Stage 3
Outside of lessons, the Assistant Most Able Co-ordinator will host the Challenge Club once every two weeks. In Challenge Club, the students will be exposed to a range of activities and topics not normally found in lessons but designed to help build and develop their thinking and confidence.
Throughout the year, the Assistant Most Able Co-ordinator will also help build on the wellbeing and SMSC development of the students both in and out of the Challenge Club. This can also take the form of monitoring and helping with early intervention. This often takes the form of 1:2:1 coaching and mentoring to help the students reach their full potential.
Key Stage 4 & 5
Opportunity for mentoring and 1:1 check ins.
Trips/events such as the Dutch School Visit and the Oxbridge Workshop.
Opportunities for outside speaker visits and/or tours and workshops - currently Anglia Water and Compucentre.
Cambridge University trip and engineering seminar.
Extension resources on Google Classroom, within departments and PiXL.
Opportunity to mentor younger Most Able students.
Opportunity to lead challenge club sessions on an area of their expertise to younger More Able students.
The fields of Science, Technology, Engineering and Maths (otherwise know as STEM) are becoming increasingly important year on year. We want to equip students with the skills and aspirations to fulfil these roles in technology and engineering should they wish to.
To facilitate this, we are vigorously researching and collaborating with businesses, universities and institutions to arrange visits, talks, trips, competitions and workshops to give our students a rich experience of the expansive world of possibilities a career in STEM offers.
Contact below for more information:
Mr Griffiths - SENDCO - Assistant Headteacher : Student welfare
Ms McKay - Most Able Coordinator
Miss Cooke - Assistant Most Able Coordinator
Mr Huxford - Assistant Most Able Coordinator
General More Able Links:
Subject masterclasses:
Information sessions:
How to apply:
Cambridge university:
Events & open days:
How to apply:
Information sessions:
How to apply:
Cambridge university:
Events & open days:
How to apply: