Computer Science
Head of Subject: Miss V McDowell
Mayflower High School's Computer Science department consists of four specialist Computer Science teachers. We are a small, enthusiastic team, achieving good results at all levels, offering personalised learning pathways for students.
Subject Vision
To deliver a curriculum that is of sufficient depth and breadth to enable all students to develop skills in IT that are applicable to the modern world. Regardless of prior experience we aim to enable students to have access to up to date high specification hardware to enable them to develop skills in computational thought and algorithm design alongside practical experience of programming in a variety of languages.
We appreciate that the study of ‘pure’ Computer Science is not suitable for all, and so we ensure that at KS3 traditional IT skills form a proportion of the course and that options pathways are available up to KS5 which cater for the needs and interests of all students.
The students have excellent opportunities to use state-of-the-art ICT facilities to enhance their learning, including the Google Classroom.
All students, including sixth formers are encouraged to use ICT wherever possible to enhance their studies across all subjects.
Key Stage 3 Intent and Implementation
At Key Stage 3, the faculty follows the renewed Computing National Curriculum framework. This is taught in 3 lessons per fortnight in Years 7, 8 and 9 and is delivered through a varied and engaging scheme of work, covering a broad range of units and skills, including the area of e-safety, digital literacy and computational thought.
Year 7
Term 1 - Virtual Tour of Mayflower High School
Term 2 - Animal Rescue Centre
Term 3 - Sequencing and computer control
Year 8
Term 1 - Game Making in SCRATCH
Term 2 - Python programming
Term 3 - E- safety
Year 9
Term 1 - Cashless catering VBA programming
Term 2 - Computer Science
Term 3 - Organising an event
All units are designed to give a balance between computer science and programming skills and ICT skills, and to prepare students for the 2 option lines available to them at Key Stage 4
Key Stage 4 Intent and Implementation
GCSE Computer Science
Component 1 - Computer Systems: Systems Architecture
Wired and Wireless Networks
Network topologies, protocols and layers
Network Security
System software
Data representation
Moral, Social, Legal, Cultural and Environmental concerns
Component 2 - Computational thinking, Systems and Programming
Translators and facilities of languages
High and Low level programming
Computational logic
Assessment is divided into two units:
Component 1 - Computer systems (written examination) 50% 1.5 hours
Component 2 - Computational thinking, systems and programming (written examination) 50% 1.5 hours.
For further details, please click on the link below:
BTEC level 2 Tech award in Digital Information Technology
The BTEC DIT tech award builds on practical skills learned during Key Stage 3. The aim is to provide students with access to a wide breadth of IT skills and content.
During the course, you will learn a variety of essential practical and theory skills in existing IT software and technology, including the understanding of computer systems, the use of spreadsheets to present data to an audience, and practical user interface design.
The study of IT can lead to opportunities in a wide range of careers as well as providing very important cross-curricular opportunities in digital literacy.
Component 1 – User Interface Design Principles and Project Planning Techniques
Component 2– Collecting, Presenting and Interpreting Data
Component 3- Effective Digital Working Practices
Assessment is divided into three units:
Component 1 - internally marked, externally verified
Component 2 - internally marked, externally verified
Component 3 - 1.5 hour written examination
For further details, please click on the link below: